
It's Monday, 7 March, I'm Natali Morris, and it's time to get loading.

今天是3月7日,周一。我是Natali Morris,是时候接收最新鲜的资讯了。

Google confirmed that it did remove a few apps from the Android marketplace because the apps were malicious. We reported this last week, but Google had not confirmed it until the weekend. Only devices running Android 2.2.2 were susceptible to the apps, which took over a user's device. There were 58 rogue apps downloaded to about 260,000 devices which Google does say they can remotely disable with a kill switch.


And here's one thing, Google will not remove with the kill switch, iBoobs. This is a rather juvenile but also pretty comical app that lets you jiggle a pair of boobs up and down. Apple removed it from the app store in 2008, but now it's in the Android marketplace. The app costs $2, but there's also free version called iBoobs lite. I think there are fewer features on this free version, not smaller boobs, but I didn't test to verify that.


The Today Show is re-launching its morning show page on today.com. This is a morning show on a competing network from our parent company CBS, but I think this is worth mentioning because it's a total re-invention of a broadcast show's web presence. Most broadcast news programmes cut off their shows and just throw them online in bits and pieces. Today is treating its website like a completely different entity. They will have a separate broadcast just for the web and put a greater emphasis on video on the site. It launches on Tuesday.


We love our technology but not at the expense of our health. A new study shows that Americans' dependence on their gadgets is costing them pressure of sleep. The National Sleep Foundation found that 95% of respondents in a recent study reported to using some type of gadget before bed. Experts believe this is not only pushing back our bedtime, but the light from the gadget also stimulates you, so you don't fall asleep quite so easily. The recommendation from these experts is to keep your gadgets out of your bedroom. Do you think you can do that?


Our parent company CBS has acquired Clicker, which is sort of like a TV guide for the web. It helps you find and watch the shows you want on the Internet. I first became familiar with Clicker when it launched on Boxee over a year ago. In this acquisition, CBS took on Clicker's CEO Jim Lanzone as a new CEO of CBS Interactive. This makes him my boss. CBS Interactive is the digital media branch at CBS Corporation. We had been without a CEO for a few months, and now we have one. I don't know Lanzone yet, and we have no inside information on this deal.

Cnet的母公司将推出新产品Clicker,这是一款网络电视导航产品。它将帮助你找到并观看网络上的视频。我开始熟悉Clicker是在一年前Boxee发布Clicker的时候。由于这项调整,CBS任命Clicker的首席执行官Jim Lanzone为CBS新的首席执行官,也就是说,他成了我的老板。CBS Interactive是CBS的一家数字媒体分支。我们已经几个月都没有首席执行官了,现在我们有CEO了。不过我还不了解Lanzone,我们也没有什么内部消息。

And finally, I would be remiss if I did not mention that the hottest thing on the Internet this weekend was actor Charlie Sheen. Sheen took to Ustream to do a show, and I used the word "show" very loosely here. He is calling this Sheen's Corner, and it racked up over 300,000 unique viewers on Saturday night and has been viewed on replay over half a million times. It was pretty nonsensical which makes me wonder if I could get more viewers for Loaded if I just started running my mouth and talking nonsense. Maybe I'll try that tomorrow. Tune in for that.

最后一条消息,如果我没有提到本周网络最火的Charlie Sheen,那就是我太大意了。Sheen是一名演员,他在Ustream上上传了一段可以定义为“秀”的视频。这段视频名叫Sheen's Corner,周六晚这段视频累计播放了30万次,重放超过50万次。这十分荒谬,而且这不禁使我好奇,是不是我只要胡言乱语就能点击量飙升。也许我会明天试试,欢迎届时收看。

That's your news of the day. You can find more links to any of our stories at cnet.com/loaded. I'm Natali Morris for CNet, and you've just been loaded.

以上就是今天的科技资讯。想了解详细信息,欢迎登录我们的网站cnet.com。我是CNet的Natali Morris,感谢您的收看。
