
Next, an editorial reflecting the views of the United States government.


The United States is committed to bringing to justice individuals around the world who are guilty of mass atrocities. One program established to help accomplish this goal is the War Crimes Rewards Program. It offers rewards of up to $5 million for information that leads to the arrest, transfer, or conviction of certain individuals wanted for war crimes, genocide or crimes against humanity by international, hybrid or mixed tribunals. The program is run by the U.S. State Department’s Office of Global Criminal Justice, which is headed by Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice Morse Tan. In an interview, Ambassador Tan said that currently the War Crimes Rewards Program, the WCRP, is focused on the 6 individuals still at large and wanted by the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals for their roles in the genocide that killed at least 800,000 men, women and children in Rwanda in 1994.


In May 2020, as Ambassador Tan noted, one of those designated war criminals listed by the WCRP was caught: “Felicien Kabuga, who was the chief financier and arguably one of the biggest inciters of the Rwanda genocide, was apprehended in a suburb outside of Paris. It had been over 26 years that he was at large and he was at the top of our list in terms of those named in this war crimes program. So it was a major step that he was apprehended.”The remaining six Rwandans still on the War Crimes Rewards Program list and wanted by the International Mechanism for their roles in the genocide are Proteais Mpiranya, Fulgence Kayishema, Aloys Ndimbati, Pheneas Munyarugarama, Charles Sikubwabo and Ryandikayo. Anyone who has information on these individuals can confidentially contact the Program by emailing [email protected] or sending a WhatsApp or text message to +1-202-975-5468. Ambassador Tan said it is crucial that there be no impunity for the atrocities committed by such people: “And that’s for its own sake to satisfy justice. But it also has a preventative role in terms of prevention of these sorts of mass crimes.” “Accountability,” Ambassador Tan declared, “is the single best way to prevent such gross injustices from happening again in the future.”

坦大使在2020年5月表示,战争罪悬赏缉拿计划清单上的战争罪犯已经有一人被捕。“费利西安·卡布加是卢旺达大屠杀的首要资助人和最大的煽动者之一,他在巴黎郊外被捕。他已经在逃26年多了,是我们战争罪悬赏缉拿计划名单上的首犯。所以他的被捕是迈出的一大步。”战争罪悬赏缉拿计划名单上被国际机制通缉的另外六位参与种族灭绝的卢旺达人是普罗迪亚斯·姆皮兰亚、菲尔让斯·卡伊什马、阿罗斯·恩迪姆巴蒂、斐尼斯·姆亚鲁加拉马、查理斯·斯库伯瓦波和雷安迪卡奥。任何人如果有这些人的信息可以发送邮件到[email protected]、或通过WhatsApp、或向1-202-975-5468发短信,与美国战争罪悬赏缉拿计划保持保密联系。坦大使表示,关键在于,这些人犯下的暴行必须受到惩罚。坦大使说:“这本身是为了伸张司法,同时又能起防范作用,防止此类集体罪行的发生。”谭大使宣称,“问责是防范未来再度发生此类重大不公正事件的唯一最佳方法。”

That was an editorial reflecting the views of the United States government.

