澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 乌克兰前外交部长驳斥特朗普 印尼6.5级地震造成20人死亡(在线收听

Hello, Joanna Nicholson with the top stories on ABC News.


In the US, House speaker Nancy Pelosi has appealed to Republicans to put country over party as an impeachment inquiry into president Donald Trump continues. It comes as Kkraine's former foreign minister contradicts claims by president Trump about the sacking of the country's former prosecutor general three years ago.


Twenty three people have died and around 15-thousand people are homeless due to a powerful six-point-five magnitude earthquake which shook the Indonesian island of Ambon. Most were killed by collapsing houses and buildings, including part of a university and a hospital. Dozens of injured people are being treated in tents because of continuing aftershocks.


Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau has joined a climate march in Montreal after he met with Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg. He praised Thunberg, saying "she is the voice of a generation." Trudeau is promising more action on climate change and has also had to defend his decision to buy and expand a major oil pipeline in western Canada.


And history will be made in the AFL today when Greater Western Sydney play in their first ever Grand Final. The Giants will take on Richmond, who tasted premiership success just two years ago.


And those are the latest headlines from ABC News.

