NBC晚间新闻 美国邮递员光天化日之下随意丢掷包裹(在线收听

The Simon family couldn't believe it when they watch their Christmas package delivered via airmail as in an underhanded heave onto their lawn. All caught on surveillance tape. I was angry, I was shocked, I just disbelieve. Not only does the carrier throw the package she picks it up and then a minute later, throws it again, harder. Inside the box clearly marked handle with care.

It was a hash truck for our grandson. The simon say it's happened before. This is the third time and enough is enough. The post office is now investigating, adding this is clearly unacceptable behavior that does not reflect the efforts of the thousands of professional dedicated carriers. The postal worker apparently claiming the dog and kids were outside. But the Simon's say that's not true. There was no dogs or kids anywhere. On the tape you can see mrs. Simon giving a piece of her mind to that mail carrier who just might make Santa's naughty list this year.

