NBC晚间新闻 芝加哥社区用艺术拉近人们距离(在线收听

Like much of Chicago, this old town neighborhood is largely segregated, blacks west of Sedgwick Street, whites East. You're trying to bring people from that side of the street to this side of the street? Exactly. So when Charlie Brandon moved here 10 years ago she wanted to find a way to bridge the divide. An art studio came to mind. Tell me why you started art on Sedgwick. It felt like people lived very separate lives who live very close to each other and I thought, well, what if all the empty storefronts that were on Sedgwick Street were welcoming places for people to do art together?

And together they've come. kids after school. Families for community gatherings. All drawn closer by the power of art. Isn't that beautiful? The studio is located at the Marshall Field's Garden Apartments a low-income housing community built in the late 1920s by an heir to the famous department store chain, neighborhood challenged by the usual ills drugs and gun violence. So this safe space serves multiple purposes. The art instruction is professional. That's probably good. What matters most certainly for the kids is it's fun. What do you like about art class? In this class we get to do, like people and like… The thing that gives me hope is that I think that at some level once people realize how awesome it is. They're like, oh yeah. Like this is what I wanted the whole time. A neighbourhoods full spectrum slowly emerging, a group of art in progress.

像芝加哥的很多地方一样,这个老城区的人们在很大程度上过着隔离的生活,黑人住在塞奇 威克街以西,白人住在这条街以东。你正在努力使塞奇威克街那边的人到街的这边来?正是。查理·布兰登十年前搬到这里的时候,她想找到一种结束人们隔离着生活的方式。她产生了开一间美术工作室的想法。请跟我讲讲你为什么要在塞奇威克街开一间艺术工作室。我感觉这里的人们虽然住的很近,但是却是在过着各自的生活,于是我想,如果让塞奇威克街空着的店面都成为欢迎人们来创作艺术的地方呢?然后人们都来了,孩子们放学后来了这里,社区聚会的家庭也来了。艺术的力量拉近了大家的距离。好漂亮啊!该工作室位于马歇尔菲尔德花园公寓,这是一个建于20世纪20年代末的低收入住房社区,它由著名百货连锁公司的一位继承人建造。社区常受到常见疾病、毒品和枪支暴力的挑战。所以这个安全的地方有很多的功用,这里的艺术指导是专业的。这个差不多已经好了。最主要的是孩子们觉得这很有乐趣。你喜欢艺术课的什么呢?在这个课上有很多人,还有… 我觉得在某种程度上,在人们意识到这个事情有多棒的时候,他们会想说,这就是我们一直想要的东西,这会给我希望。一个正在全面融合的社区,一个正在发展的艺术群体。
