NBC晚间新闻 11岁盲人女孩乐观面对生活(在线收听

On the playground, Faith Murray looks like any other fifth grader, but you don’t need to see faith to know she is special. Temperatures near 32. The 11-year-old already has her own segment on massachusetts talking information network, a radio station for the visually impaired. I am 11 years old and blind. Faith knows what it’s like to have no sight. She was born blind. But it hasn’t slowed her down. I remember her walking through that door. She was like a beam of light. Liz Van Denberg immediately saw something in their new intern.

Are you ready to do it? I was born ready. A can-do attitude. Hello, it’s faith, the fact girl. That can’t help but inspire. If anyone can accomplish their dreams. 92 years old and losing her sight, Edith never misses Faith’s broadcasts. What is it about her that makes her special? I think her wholesomeness, her happiness despite her problems. She seems to enjoy life. Faith reads her copy in braille. She’s quick with a joke. Is there anything you can’t do, faith? See. Other than that? No. What she does see is the potential in everyone. Together we can make a difference. A young girl with an incredible view of the world. This has been weather girl faith with the weather forecast. Making everyday a little brighter for everyone.

