
During a conference call with Wall Street investment analysts in May, Musk, who declined to be interviewed for this story, had refused to answer basic questions about Tesla's faltering financial prospects.


“Boring, bonehead questions are not cool,” he said. Investors responded by lopping 5.6 percent off his company's stock price the next day.


A few months before, Musk treated his 22 million Twitter followers to harassing rants against reporters who published critical pieces about Tesla, accusing them of bias, conflicts of interest and outright fabrications—also without evidence.


He threatened to start a news site that evaluates the accuracy of news articles, tentatively called Pravda—


the Russian word for “truth,” but better known as the propaganda newspaper of the Communist Party in the former Soviet Union, and now of Russia.


Critics and allies alike began asking:


What happened to Elon Musk, the hero of Silicon Valley, the high-tech visionary who was going to save the planet with electric vehicles?


But if you're focusing on Musk's “bad manners,” as he called his meltdown, you're missing the point.


His plan to transform the car industry is picking up speed.


Along the way, it could put tens of millions of people out of work (and that's not a bug, it's a feature), dismantling what has been a foundation of the nation's social and economic life for a century.


And it's happening in the service of plying the wealthy with cooler cars.


“Technological innovation has throughout history increased total wealth,” says Ryan Lackey, a founder of cybersecurity company ResetSecurity and a veteran Silicon Valley entrepreneur.

“纵观历史,技术创新增加了总财富,” 网络安全公司ResetSecurity的创始人同时是经验丰富的硅谷企业家瑞恩·拉基说道。

“But it's often said the gains are going to a smaller and smaller subset of the population.”


So the worrisome future may be one not where Musk fails but where he succeeds.

