
One would think that as high-tech companies excised workers from the economy, they would at least treat those they continue to employ with some consideration. But Silicon Valley’s famous table tennis and smoothies perks don’t extend to the blue-collar jobs in the region. Reports have detailed how Tesla workers have faced safety risks (including injuries that the company didn’t properly report), excessive hours (Red Bulls were reportedly handed out to workers to keep them on their feet) and filthy conditions (some workers allegedly had to move through a raw sewage spill to keep the assembly lines going). The United Auto Workers has accused Tesla of union-busting tactics, and in March the National Labor Relations Board filed a second complaint against the company.


Such erosion of labor standards and job displacement is a concern across all of America’s industries, of course. But high-tech companies are making the displacement of humans a central mission and executing it with stunning efficiency. “Silicon Valley could be a big contributor to a manufacturing rebirth in the U.S.,” says Chuck Darrah, an anthropology professor at San Jose State University in the heart of valley who studies the region’s high-tech industry. “But so much of it now is about automation, and the price of robots in the U.S. is pretty much the same as in China and Mexico.”


In other words, labor may be cheaper overseas, but robots aren’t, so why not just replace workers with smart machines and build it here?


So where does that leave American workers who lose their jobs? Many of Silicon Valley’s successful insiders favor a “universal basic income” scheme, in which the government would send everyone in America a monthly check for around $2,000. “People here understand that if they can’t find a solution to the job loss they’re causing, they could face a civil uprising,” says ResetSecurity’s Lackey. “They’re so worried about it that they’re also buying houses in the middle of nowhere, like New Zealand or Wyoming.”

那么,那些失去工作的美国工人该怎么办呢? 许多硅谷成功的内部人士支持一项“普遍基本收入”计划,在该计划中,政府每月给每个美国人发一张大约2000美元的支票。ResetSecurity公司的拉基说:“这里的人们明白,如果他们无法找到解决失业问题的办法,他们可能会面临一场国内起义。他们非常担心这个问题,甚至还在新西兰或怀俄明州等偏远地区买房。”
