
From the Culture Section


Barenaked Ladies on 20 Years of 'Stunt' and Why They Stopped Recording Songs Naked




It feels like a different universe. In fact it was the summer of 1998: Bill Clinton was testifying in front of a grand jury about an affair with a White House intern, "The Boy Is Mine" by Brandy and Monica was the biggest song in the country and Armageddon was earning millions at the box office.


Up north, a bunch of quirky Canadians who called themselves Barenaked Ladies were plotting their world takeover. Led by co-lead singers Ed Robertson and Steven Page, the band's 1992 debut Gordon, with signature singalong " If I Had $1000000," had transformed them into local heroes. Then 1998's Stunt dialed up the hooks and condensed the group's spirited, humor-heavy live shows into 50 minutes of not-too-jokey pop. Perhaps more significantly, the album led off with the freakishly catchy "One Week," a rap-rock beast of a single that has become so unavoidably entrenched in the pop consciousness that simply singing the first two words of the song ("It's been!) can cause strangers to burst into song.

而在北方,一群古怪的加拿大人正策划接管世界,他们自称为“裸体淑女合唱团”。艾德·罗伯逊和史蒂芬·佩奇是乐团主轴,1992年推出首张专辑《戈登》,主打歌是《如果我有一百万美元》,他们在当地红极一时。然后1998年的专辑《惊人之举》将乐队活泼、幽默的现场表演浓缩成50分钟的不太滑稽的流行音乐,让观众们眼前一亮。也许更重要的是,这张专辑主打歌是特别朗朗上口的《一周》。这首单曲中的说唱摇滚已经不可避免地在流行意识中根深蒂固,以至于仅仅是哼唱前两个词(“It’s been!”),陌生人就能突然接下去。

By the fall of '98, "One Week" was a No. 1 hit and Stunt was moving millions of units stateside. (That was the age when people happily paid $17.99 for CDs.) "It was weird," Robertson says now. "We're a band that has always seen ourselves as underdogs." In retrospect, "One Week" feels like an artifact of an era when anything could be a hit, however offbeat or goofy, and the record business was rolling in pre-Napster cash.

到1998年秋,《一周》成为了美国最受欢迎的歌曲,《惊人之举》在美国本土的销量达到了数百万部。(在那个时代,人们愿意花17.99美元购买CD唱片。)“这很奇怪,” 罗伯逊现在说道。“我们是一个总是把自己看作弱者的乐队。” 回想起来,《一周》感觉像是那个时代的产物,在那个时代,任何东西都可以成为热门,不管它是多么古怪或愚蠢。然而不管怎样古怪或愚蠢,唱片业务在签约纳普斯特唱片公司之前就滚滚而来。

Though Steven Page left the band in 2009 to go solo, Barenaked Ladies is still touring widely and releasing a 20th anniversary edition of Stunt on CD/DVD and vinyl this fall. In March, the band managed to get inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame. (For that occasion, Page rejoined his former bandmates: Robertson, drummer Tyler Stewart, keyboard Kevin Hearn and bassist Jim Creeggan.) BNL's latest album, Fake Nudes, came out in 2017.


In a recent interview, Ed Roberston told us the story behind Stunt's monstrous success and explained why the band ended its tradition of getting naked in the studio.

