澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 特朗普被指曾想用特赦阿桑奇撇清"通俄门"(在线收听

The mother of three children, killed in a car fire in Brisbane, has died in hospital. 31-year-old Hannah Baxter was pulled from the car in a critical condition yesterday morning. Her three children, aged six, four and three died at the scene in Camp Hill, in Brisbane's east. Hannah Baxter's estranged husband, 42-year-old Rowan Baxter also died at the scene with self-inflicted stab wounds.


Most of the Australians who were stuck on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan are now on their way home. The ship has been locked down for the past two weeks, with more than 600 passengers and crew members infected with coronavirus. About 180 Australians left last night boarding a chartered flight to Darwin. They'll spend another two weeks in quarantine in the Northern Territory.


Plane crash investigators are this morning heading to the scene of a fatal mid-air collision in central Victoria. Four people were killed yesterday in the crash at Mangalore, north of Melbourne. An instructor and training pilot were on one of the light planes. The other two victims were on board a private plane.


A London court has heard claims that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was offered a pardon at the request of president Donald Trump. The Westminster Magistrates Court has heard an allegation that a US Republican Congressman visited Assange on the instructions of the president. It claims he'd been sent to allegedly offer Assange a pardon, if he would say Russia had nothing to do with the 2016 presidential campaign leaks.

