澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 英国新冠死亡人数超意大利 报告称6月美国日增死亡3000人(在线收听

The prime minister has shifted his government's focus to getting a million Australians back to work. The national cabinet is likely to announce an easing of some restrictions later this week. The shutdowns have taken a massive economic toll — latest figures show nearly 729-thousand businesses have enrolled for the Jobkeeper wage subsidy program. Payments will begin flowing this week.


More people have now died from COVID-19 in the United Kingdom than in Italy. Britain has recorded nearly 700 fatalities in the last day, taking its overall toll to more than 29-thousand-400 deaths from coronavirus.


US president Donald Trump has touched down in Arizona and had a lighter moment with the state's governor on the tarmac — offering his hand before quickly taking it away. He's in the state to tour an aerospace facility making facemasks. Earlier, Mr Trump dismissed a new report that says America could record up to three-thousand coronavirus deaths a day by June. Mr Trump says the latest data is inaccurate as the US approaches one-point-two million confirmed cases. At least 19-thousand people have died in New York since the outbreak began as the state struggles to restart its economy.


And plans by NRL powerhouse Melbourne Storm to move its training base to Albury have suffered a setback with the local council voting to oppose the team's relocation. The New South Wales government has given the team permission to relocate and move outside of Victoria's pandemic restrictions. But the councillors are angry they were not consulted.

