澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 法国解除封城 俄罗斯结束全面停工(在线收听

The federal government is predicting a quarter of a million jobs could return within weeks, as the country slowly eases restrictions. But that's only if Australians abide by the new rules set out by each state and territory. The treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, will today outline the full economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. He'll warn a return to strict lockdowns could cost states like Tasmania 100-million dollars a week, or larger states like New South Wales one-point-four billion. Despite that, state premiers have said they will reimpose restrictions if Australians flout these relaxed rules.


Police are investigating a suspected shooting in Melbourne's south east. A man's body was found at a property in Endeavour Hills last night, after officers were called to the scene. It's understood neighbours heard a gunshot and called the authorities.

警方正在调查墨尔本东南部地区发生的疑似枪击案。事发地位于Endeavour Hills的一处住宅,警方昨晚赶到现场时,在那里发现了一具男尸。据了解,邻居听到枪声后报警。

After eight weeks of lockdown, France has started lifting restrictions, as millions return to work and shops start to re-open. The country has one of the highest death tolls in Europe, with more than twenty-six thousand people died from COVID-19. Meanwhile Russia's nationwide shutdown ends today, despite recording more than eleven-thousand new cases in the past day.


And US actor and comedy legend Jerry Stiller has died at the age of 92. His son Ben Stiller took to twitter to announce his father had died of natural causes. Stiller was best known for his roles in "Seinfeld" and "The King of Queens."

