澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 停靠澳大利亚货船发生新冠病毒集体感染(在线收听

Authorities in three states are on high alert this morning, with coronavirus outbreaks at schools, a nursing home and on board a live export ship. Officials in Perth are scrambling to contain the outbreak on the ship docked at Fremantle, as the state and federal governments trade barbs over whether Western Australia was forewarned about illness on board. Meantime, Sydney schools Waverley College and Moriah College remain closed after two students tested positive, just one day after classrooms re-opened across the state. And in Victoria, two staff members at the Lynden aged care facility in Camberwell have tested positive to COVID-19, a week after a resident was diagnosed with the illness.


An Israeli court has ruled former Melbourne school principal and alleged paedophile Malka Leifer is mentally fit to be extradited to Australia. She's facing 74 charges of child sexual abuse from her time at the Adass Israel school. Lawyers for Ms Leifer previously argued she was severely mentally ill. But a hidden camera investigation found she had been living a relatively normal life.


The industrial relations minister Christian Porter will begin meeting with unions and business groups next month, as the government seeks to overhaul workplace laws. The prime minister yesterday revealed an ambitious plan to alter the nation's post-COVID industrial relations system. Mr Porter says he accepts that some working groups might not reach a consensus, and the government may take its own solution to parliament.

