
Will Trump Resign If He’s Impeached or Indicted? Amid Mueller Probe, Some See Echoes of Nixon




An unseasonable icy cold swept into Washington in mid-December, like a celestial omen that winter was coming for Donald Trump’s presidency. With the sentencing of three former key aides, including his personal lawyer Michael Cohen, and the guilty pleas and prosecutorial cooperation agreements of others, the administration seemed suspended between the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end. In guarded conversations on the edges of holiday cocktail parties in the capital’s power corridors, Republicans, Democrats and longtime “deep state” bureaucrats seemed to recognize that a turning point had been reached. The end, perhaps, was in sight, if not near.


“I can’t imagine he’ll escape the traps Robert Mueller has set for him,” one top former national security official whispered, speaking of the special counsel investigation on condition of anonymity -because he deals with the Trump administration on intelligence issues. “Then there’s the New York stuff (investigations of Trump’s foundation, the Cohen scandal) and now Democrats coming into power in the House. He’s in a very tight spot.”

“我无法想象他会逃脱罗伯特·米勒为他设下的陷阱,”一名前国家安全高级官员在谈到特别顾问的调查时低声说道。 他要求匿名,因为他在情报问题上与特朗普政府打交道。“还有纽约的事情(对特朗普基金会的调查、科恩丑闻),现在众议院是民主党掌权。他的处境非常艰难。”

With the various vises tightening, conversations turned toward -another icy specter: Would Trump leave the White House if prompted to do so by an indictment or impeachment vote?

随着各式虎钳收紧,谈话转向另一个冰冷的幽灵: 如果由起诉或弹劾投票促成,那么特朗普会离开白宫吗?

The president himself revived jitters over the prospect of going rogue when he predicted in a Reuters interview on December 9 that “the people would revolt” if he were impeached. Earlier in the year, he notoriously crowed approval of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s abolition of term limits. “I think it’s great,” he said. “Maybe we’ll give that a shot someday.”


Trump’s warning of a popular uprising on his behalf drew widespread mocking. “I think he has confused the word ‘revolt’ with ‘rejoice,’” went one typical Twitter comment. But others worried over armed Charlottesville-style mobs descending on the capital, the media outlets Trump calls “enemies of the people” or even synagogues. “There is potential for a lot of street violence,” retired three-star Army General Mark Hertling tells Newsweek.

