
No matter that an impeachment hearing in the House alone seems far off, given the caution of key Democrats on the matter, not to mention Republican control of the Senate. “Many tremble at the idea, fearing how Trump’s supporters will react to an impeachment inquiry, worrying that it will further -polarize an already deeply divided nation or that there will not be enough votes in the Senate to convict him, even if the House votes to impeach,” former New York Representative Elizabeth Holtzman, a member of the House Judiciary Committee that voted to impeach President Richard Nixon, writes in her new book, The Case for Impeaching Trump.


Nixon had similar fantasies of “the people” coming to his rescue as Congress and prosecutors closed in. But as it turned out, the “creature of the establishment,” as Watergate chronicler Elizabeth Drew recently described Nixon in The New York Times, bowed to reality and resigned: “Nixon, a lawyer who had been a member of the House of Representatives, a senator and a vice president, was more accepting of the political order.”


But the current occupant of the Oval Office, she pointed out, is an -entirely different creature. “Mr. Trump, with no government experience, and little knowledge of how the federal government works, has been a free if malevolent spirit, less likely than even Nixon to observe boundaries,” Drew wrote. But Holtzman expressed confidence in an interview that the president would go when -impeachment was inevitable. “He’s a lot of bravado, but in the end he’s a coward and a wimp,” she says.

但她指出,现任总统完全不同。“特朗普没有政府工作经验,对联邦政府的运作方式也知之甚少,他是一个自由但心怀恶意的人,甚至比尼克松更不可能遵守边界,” 德鲁在1975年出版的开创性著作《华盛顿日报》写道 。但霍兹曼在接受采访时表示,他认为弹劾不可避免时,总统将会消失。“他总是虚张声势,但实际上他是个胆小鬼和懦夫,”她说。

If Nixon’s final days are any guide, however, the system is in for a whole lot of shaking before Trump exits. He has already followed Nixon’s path in trying to rid himself of his principal nemeses, FBI Director James Comey and Attorney General Jeff Sessions (replaced with a pliant temp, Matthew Whitaker). But he has stopped short of firing special counsel Mueller, as Nixon did with independent Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox, in the infamous “Saturday Night Massacre” of October 1973; that provoked a national uproar and the resignations of Attorney General Elliot Richardson and his deputy, William Ruckelshaus.

