
Democrats of late are talking about the political bounty of the rapidly changing Sun Belt, but critics note that such a strategy is risky; Obama lost Arizona and Georgia twice and won North Carolina just once, in 2008. Clinton lost all three in 2016. Meanwhile, Republicans are always eager to use the left’s -so-called identity politics against them. Like gender-free bathrooms, the issue of reparations is guaranteed to inflame not only conservatives but also white identifiers, who already -resent their perceived loss of power. In 2014, a YouGov poll found that half of white Americans believe that slavery is “not a factor at all” in the lower average wealth of blacks; just 6 percent support cash payments to the descendants of slaves.


“I want them to talk about racism every day,” former Trump strategist Steve Bannon told The American Prospect of Democrats in 2017. “If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats.”


Of course, the choices aren’t mutually exclusive. Trump is also playing to race and identity in a country that, in part thanks to his chosen role as channeler of white male rage, looks more divided by those exact things. According to a new poll from the Public Religion Research Institute and The Atlantic, members of both political parties do see diversity very differently.


Respondents were asked to place themselves on a scale measuring their support of racial and ethnic diversity in the United States. The lowest percentages of Americans from either party agreed with the phrase “I would prefer the U.S. to be a nation primarily made up of people from Western European heritage.” But while 65 percent of Democrats agreed with the phrase “I would prefer the U.S. to be a nation made up of people from all over the world,” only 29 percent of Republicans felt that way. Instead, about 56 percent of Republicans placed themselves between those two options. Whites were the least likely group to want diversity, with 44 percent preferring the U.S. to be made up of “people from all over the world.” Another 42 percent said they wanted something in the middle.

受访者被要求用一个量表来衡量他们对美国种族和民族多样性的支持程度。两党中支持率最低的美国人同意这句话:“我更愿意美国成为一个主要由西欧血统的人组成的国家,” 只有29%的共和党人这样认为。相反,大约56%的共和党人将自己置于这两种选择之间。白人是最不希望多元化的群体,44%的人更喜欢美国由“来自世界各地的人”组成。另外42%的人说他们想要介于两者之间的东西。

As both parties head into the 2020 campaign, the outcome of the election will reveal which worldview is most American.

