
On Monday, members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee were once again briefed by White House officials on the Khashoggi murder. Afterward, several senators exited the meeting evidently furious. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham called the hearing “worthless,” and Democratic Senator Bob Menendez said the hearing was “a waste of time.”


The Trump administration missed a deadline last month to send a report to Congress about who it blamed for the murder, and some critics have said the administration could be in violation of the Global Magnitsky Act, which gives the U.S. government authority to sanction foreigners responsible for human rights violations. When lawmakers trigger the Magnitsky Act, the president is required to investigate and provide a detailed report to Congress within 120 days. The Trump administration failed to do in this case.


This week, Trump’s nominee for ambassador to Saudi Arabia also stressed that the U.S. must continue to engage with the Kingdom.


“This is not to say that I am unaware of the challenges facing the U.S.-Saudi partnership today,” retired Army General John Abizaid, Trump’s pick for the ambassadorship, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday.


“War in Yemen, the senseless killing of Jamal Khashoggi, rifts in the Gulf alliance, alleged abuses of innocent people, to include an American citizen and female activists, all present immediate challenges…. Yet in the long run, we need a strong and mature partnership with Saudi Arabia,” Abizaid continued.


Amid the furor, Trump’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, who has a close relationship with the crown prince, traveled to Saudi Arabia to discuss an alleged peace plan for the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians and economic development in the Middle East.


At least 10 female activists are currently jailed in Saudi Arabia, and some have been subjected to torture, according to human rights observers. Meanwhile, Walid Fitaihi, a dual U.S.-Saudi national, has reportedly been jailed and tortured in the Kingdom.

