


Why Do Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner Need Top Secret Security Clearance, and What Can They Access?


By David Brennan


The first family batted away accusations that President Donald Trump abused his power by forcing through top-secret security clearances for daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, despite protests from senior White House and intelligence officials.


As the scandal rumbled on, critics asked why Ivanka and Jared would need top-secret clearance in their roles as senior advisers to the president, and, given concerns that their private business dealings might pose conflicts of interest, whether they should be trusted with such sensitive material.


Kushner was the first of the power couple to come under scrutiny. The New York Times reported last week that Trump had personally pushed through his security clearance despite objections from then-Chief of Staff John Kelly and then-White House Counsel Don McGahn.


Kelly was reportedly so concerned over the pressure applied by the president that he wrote an internal memo outlining his opposition to the decision. Regardless, Kushner secured his top-secret security clearance.


Days after this story appeared, CNN reported that Ivanka Trump had been given the same treatment, once again despite the warnings of senior White House and intelligence staff. Earlier this month, the first daughter told ABC News that her father had “zero” influence in securing her clearance.


Both Kushner and Ivanka Trump have been accused of improper business dealings and murky quid pro quo relationships with foreign governments. Donald Trump and his family have been accused of using the presidency to enrich themselves, and House Democrats have begun to investigate alleged improper conduct that reportedly ran rampant during the campaign and since the president took office.


Though the president's actions may constitute an abuse of power, how concerned should Americans be that Jared and Ivanka have top-secret clearance?

