《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第15集第2期:接受这个事实(在线收听

Listen. There's something else.Mr. Saltzman, Rick,

听着 还有些事我得先告诉你 萨尔茨曼老师 就是里克

His wife was from around here,And her name was also Isobel.Wait,"was" as an...She died.

他妻子也是本地人 也曾叫伊泽贝尔 等等 你说"曾" 她死了

Alaric's wife might have been your mother?It can't be true, right?

阿拉里克的妻子有可能是你的母亲 不可能是真的 对吧

I mean, the coincidence alone is just crazy.I have the address for her friend Trudie.

名字巧合就够惊人了 我有她朋友楚蒂的地址

You wanna talk to her?I--I don't know, I--I don't know.

你想和她谈谈吗 我 不知道 我不知道

If it's true and they are the same person,That means that my birth mother is dead,

如果我母亲和阿拉里克的妻子真的是一个人 那也就是说 我的生母死了

And I don't know if I could handle that.


Elena, did Jenna tell you anything about Alaric's wife?How she died?

埃琳娜 珍娜告诉你阿拉里克妻子的事了 她是怎么死的

Just she was killed and case was never solved.You knew that already?

只是说她是被杀死的 案件至今未破 你已经知道了

The night at the school when he attacked me,He told me some things about her death.

在学校的那天晚上当他要袭击我的时候 他告诉了我关于他妻子的死

Well-- no, no.It's not possible.The coincidence is-- it's too much.

那么 -别乱猜 那不可能的 太过巧合了 不可能的

Now, listen, if you do decide to go Talk to Isobel's friend, I'll go with you. Ok?

听着 如果你决定去 找伊泽贝尔的朋友谈谈 我跟你一起去 好吗

I just don't know how gonna do yet.I should get goin'.

我还不知道该怎么做呢 我要走了

I gotta go deal with Damon.How's he doing?He's dealing in his own way.

我得去看看达蒙 他怎么样了 他在以自己的方式面对
