NBC晚间新闻 奥巴马医改或被废除(在线收听

Tonight from President Trump, a promise without a prescription. The Republican Party will soon be known as the party of health care. That vow following a surprising move by his Justice Department overnight, escalating its attack on Obamacare, telling a federal appeals court that the entire Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional and should be scrapped. Agreeing with a lower court ruling. Until now, the federal government was arguing only parts of the law, including its protections for people with pre-existing conditions should be struck down.

If the court agrees, more than 28 million Americans could lose their health insurance gained through Medicaid expansion and the Obamacare exchanges. The new showdown looming over an issue Democrats say helped propel them to take back the house. The GOP will never stop trying to destroy the affordable health care of America's families. Obamacare faces an uncertain future with no way to predict how the courts will rule but experts say it will likely be at least a year before the legal fight is resolved.

