NBC晚间新闻 米歇尔·奥巴马公开批评特朗普总统(在线收听

It was a rare rebuke breaking precedent, former first lady Michelle Obama taking aim at the current president. It's tough, you know, sometimes you spend weekends with divorced dad. That feels like it's fun, but then you get sick. That's Americans is going through, we're kind of living with divorced dad right now. Mrs. Obama speaking Sunday in London, never mentioning President Trump by name, saying it may feel like a dark chapter but any story has its highs and lows.

It comes as the White House braces for the Mullah report. Some current and former officials who cooperated with Muller tell NBC News they're concerned the report could expose them as the source of damaging information about the president. I heard it's going to come out on Thursday that's good and there can't be anything there because there was no crime. There was no anything. As for Michelle Obama's comments, we reached out to the White House and so far no response.

