NBC晚间新闻 芝加哥化学泄露致数人住院(在线收听

A dangerous cloud of gas filled the sky after a tractor carrying a potentially deadly chemical leaked. The smell was very, very strong. It kind of looked like a really dense fog. First responders arrived, two people unconscious on the street. Some emergency crews were initially overcome by the fumes. Residents ordered to shelter in place because the chemical and hydrous ammonia can be fatal at high concentrations. Reason first responders checked more than a hundred homes.

We want to be sure if somebody was sleeping with the windows open last night that they're safe. Because this is a silent gas so to speak. More than three dozen people, including eleven firefighters were hospitalized. Several in critical but stable condition. The smell just hit me like, oh what is that. The chemical is used as fertilizer. Exposure causes eye, nose and throat irritation, difficulty breathing, burns and blisters. The emergency order looked at late today. Still no word on what caused the leak.

