澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚两人口大州百年来首次关闭边界(在线收听

Thousands of people are hastily leaving Victoria, as the state's border closes amid a surging coronavirus outbreak. For the first time in more than 100 years, the border between the nation's two most populous states will close from midnight tonight. And South Australia is also considering stricter border measures. It's all sparked by a soaring coronavirus infection rate with Victoria recording its worst daily increase yesterday.


Demand for early access to superannuation during the pandemic is outpacing expectations. The federal government had anticipated 29 billion dollars in super savings would be withdrawn over two years. But already, 25 billion has been accessed. Around three million people are already believed to have withdrawn money from their super, which is double the number the government had predicted at this stage of the scheme.


The US state of Florida has ordered gyms and restaurants in its most-populous county to shut after Independendence Day parties le?d to a spike in coronavirus cases. Meanwhile, Israel's state media says the government has immediately closed bars, nightclubs and gyms, after new outbreaks. And India — which now has the third highest number of infections after the US and Brazil — has scrapped its plans to re-open it's most famous building,the Taj Mahal.

