
Don't get me wrong. You're a fine illustrator, but this isn't what I call art.

别误会 你是名很优秀的插图画家,但这并非我所谓的艺术

Excuse me, but my paintings have been in dozens of books, some of them bestsellers.

什么! 我可给很多书画过插图呢,其中不少还是畅销书呢

Perhaps you've heard of "Doctor Porcupine"?


He has a very prickly bedside manner.


Right. But see, when you say "Art,"you mean a hedgehog with a stethoscope,

知道 。但是对你来说 ,所谓艺术不过是给刺猬戴个听诊器什么的

and to me, art means reaching down your throat, tearing your guts out, and smearing it all over canvas.

对我来说,艺术好比直捣人的深喉,剖心掏肺 ,再血淋淋地涂抹于画布之上

Anger, passion,that's what interests me.


Well, uh, "Doctor Porcupine loses a patient and kills a hooker" doesn't have the same ring to it?


I'm looking for serious students of the medium.


You're a bored housewife trying to kill time between spin class and driving your kid to soccer practice.

你不过是个无聊的家庭妇女, 一会儿健身一会儿送孩子上足球课,来这儿纯粹是消磨时间
