澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) SpaceX飞船载两名宇航员返回地球 首次商业载人任务完成(在线收听

Melburnians have spent their first night under curfew as the nation's second largest city faces some of the toughest restrictions since the second World War. Seeking to slow the high rate of community transmission of COVID-19, premier Daniel Andrews has declared a state of disaster giving police sweeping powers to enforce stage 4 restrictions. As well as a night-time curfew, the New Zealand-style lockdown will see limits on how, when and where people can shop and exercise. The state government is also due to announce which industries will be shut down.


From tomorrow, Australians on unemployment benefits will have to take a job if they're offered one or risk losing their payments. But the federal government says there will be an exemption for Victorians receiving Jobseeker as they won't be required to search for work during the state's extended lockdown.


There are claims this morning the spread of conspiracy theories about 5G wireless technology could be the work of foreign governments. The theory of a link between coronavirus and 5G has been dismissed by health authorities it's spread rapidly through social media. Communications minister Paul Fletcher has told Four Corners it is likely hostile state actors are to blame.


And NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley have emerged from their SpaceX capsule after splashing down on the coast of Florida. They duo have spent two months in the International Space Station completing the first manned space mission in a commercial vehicle.

SpaceX 太空舱以溅落形式降落后,美国国家航空航天局(简称NASA)宇航员鲍勃·本肯和道格·赫尔利走出太空舱。二人在国际空间站度过了两个月时间,完成了首次商业飞船载人太空任务。
