澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳新州州长旧情人承认受贿 法国多地将实施宵禁(在线收听

Authorities in Australia's two largest states are scrambling to contain coronavirus outbreaks this morning. Testing sites have been overwhelmed in the regional Victorian city of Shepparton, after it recorded three Covid cases. And health officials in Sydney are investigating several locally acquired cases, prompting the state's premier to warn New South Wales is 'on the verge' of a seeding event.

The new south wales premier, Gladys Berejiklian, has survived two no confidence motions in state parliament as the fallout over her relationship with disgraced MP Daryl Maguire continues. The former Liberal MP will face a second day of questioning today at the Independent Commission Against Corruption. Yesterday he admitted to receiving a bundle of cash and pocketing thousands of dollars at his parliamentary office while operating a cash for visa scam.

A new report has shed light on the huge impact the pandemic is having on Australian renters. The Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute has surveyed 15-thousand renting households. It's found one third of renters aren't sure how they'll continue to pay rent without government support, one third have needed a rent reduction and just over five per cent have received an eviction notice.

And the French president Emmanuel Macron says nightly curfews will be imposed in Paris and other major cities, to help limit the spread of COVID. The curfews will take effect from Saturday, and will run daily from 9 p-m until 6 a-m over period of four weeks.




