澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 全球新冠肺炎确诊病例超4000万例(在线收听

There's new tensions between the Victorian and federal governments over the path out of lockdown. That's as Melbourne continues to record low case numbers. The state recorded four new cases yesterday, prompting the federal treasurer to accuse premier Daniel Andrews of a callous indifference to the flight of local businesses who are still not allowed to open. It comes as the inquiry into Victoria's botched hotel quarantine scheme holds an extraordinary hearing today.

The number of people who have tested positive to coronavirus globally has passed 40 million. That's according to figures compiled by Johns Hopkins university in the US. But experts say that the real tally could be far higher due to variable testing across countries and some governments concealing the true number of infections.

New South Wales authorities are urging people in Sydney's south-east to be on high alert for coronavirus symptoms. The public health alert was issued after someone with the virus visited numerous cafes to order takeaway in the suburbs of Kingsford and Ramsgate earlier this month. New South Wales yesterday recorded no new COVID-19 cases.

Western Australia is facing a major health challenge this morning with at least 26 confirmed cases of coronavirus among seafarers from two ships docked at Freemantle. One person on the bulk carrier, Key Integrity, has tested positive for the virus, with the other 19 crew awaiting test results. The WA premier says it's clear cargo ships pose a health risk after it was revealed a total of 25 crew on another ship docked at the same port had tested positive for COVID-19.




今天上午,西澳大利亚州面临重大的健康挑战,因为两艘停靠弗里曼特尔港的船只上至少有26名船员感染了冠状病毒。散装货轮“Key Integrity”号上的一名船员检测结果呈阳性,另外19名船员正在等待检测结果。西澳州州长表示,此前停靠在同一港口的另一艘船上共有25名船员的新冠肺炎检测结果呈阳性,因此很明显,货船会对健康构成威胁。
