《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第16集第10期:不太合群(在线收听

Maybe they're normal and good,just outsiders, you know?Um, misunderstood.

也许他们很普通 善良 只是被边缘化了 你明白吗 被人误解

You're kidding, right?Don't you think it could be possible?

你开玩笑的吧 你不觉得存在这种可能性吗

You did give me all that info.Jeremy, I made it up, ok?

你给了我那么多相关资料 杰里米 那都是我随便编的 好吗

I mean, you were all cute and fluffy and I wanted to make a good impression.

我是说 你当时帅帅的招人喜欢 我只是想给你留下好印象

Is there anything you're not good at?Double dating.

世界上还有什么你不擅长的吗 四人约会

This is all kinda new to me.I usually keep to myself. I don't always fit in.

我这还是头一遭 我总是独来独往 不太合群

That's because you're that guy.What guy?

因为你就是那种人 哪种人

The guy who seems like he has everything So, people don't kinda run the other way.

那种坐拥一切的人 令普通人敬而远之

Is that what I seem like?Pretty much.What a dick.What are you doing?What?

我像这种人啊 非常像 我真是个混蛋哈 你在干嘛 什么

Well, the point of this was to show him how much you care about Stefan.

这次约会是为了 告诉他你有多在乎斯特凡

You're not to hopscotch down memory lane.I was just trying to make conversation.

而不是为了叙旧 我只是想找点话题

Well, try less.Caroline.Katherine.I'm sorry. You have the wrong person.Elena, come on.My mistake.

少找点吧 卡罗琳 凯瑟琳 不好意思 你认错人了 埃琳娜 走吧 我认错人了
