《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第16集第15期:不善于表达自己(在线收听

I don't know.You were reminiscing About the Elena years all night.

我不知道 你整晚都在回忆 和埃琳娜在一起的那段日子

Caroline,That stuff came before, ok?

卡罗琳 那都是旧事了 明白吗

It's not just gonna go away.I know that, ok? No. No, you don't.

不是随便就能忘记的 我明白的 行了吧 不不 你不明白

Because you're letting it turn you into a crazy person.Look, it's my fault.

因为你正因此变得焦躁多虑 听着 是我不好

I, you know, I made it pretty clear early on

我 你知道 我明确表示过

That Elena still means something to me.


But all that talk,That was just 2 old friends and some memories.

但是刚才的谈话 那只是 两个老朋友的一些回忆罢了

Tonight wasn't about me and Elena.


I was there Because I wanted to be with you.

我之所以来 是因为我想和你在一起

And I don't know what this means Or what we are,

我不知道这意味着什么 也不知道我们走到了哪一步

But I do know that you're the only person I want to be in this car with right now.

但我能确定的是 你是唯一一个 我希望此时在车里陪我的人

I don't even know if this makes sense,


Because I'm not really that good at expressing myself.No, no.

因为我并不善于表达自己 没有 没有

I think you're doing just fine.

