《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第17集第2期:更明智的办法(在线收听

I'm going to make an exploratory visit into town tomorrow


to assess who's under the influence of vervain and who isn't.

看一下哪些人带有马鞭草 哪些人没有

Anna tells me that the players haven't changed much.


It's still the Lockwoods, the Forbes, the Fells...We should kill every last one of them.

依旧是洛克伍德 福布斯 费尔家的人 我们应该把他们全都杀光

We are smarter than that, Frederick.These people are not our enemies.

我们有更明智的办法 弗雷德里克 那些人不是我们的敌人

We don't hold grudges and resentments.We'll get our town back.

我们不需要怀恨在心 我们会夺回小镇的

We just have to have patience.You heard her.No revenge.Patience.Self-control.

我们只需要有耐心 你们听到她说的了 不能复仇 要有耐心 要有自控力

She seems to have it all figured out, doesn't she?

看来她都计划好了 不是吗

I say we go to Pearl's, bust down the door,and annihilate the idiot that attacked us last night.

我们去珍珠家 踢翻大门 然后灭了昨晚袭击我们的蠢货

And then what?We turn to the rest of that house of vampires And say, "Oops. Sorry?"

然后呢 然后我们转身对房子里其他的吸血鬼说 "哎呀 不好意思"

I can't believe you made a deal with her.It was more like a helpful exchange of information.

难以置信你居然跟她做了交易 其实更像是互利互惠的情报交换

And it was not exactly like I had a choice. She's...Scary.

而且我也没得选择 她 挺恐怖的

Besides, she's gonna help me get Katherine back. Of course she is.

而且 她还能帮我找回凯瑟琳 那是"当然"

Damon gets what he wants, as usual.No matter who he hurts in the process.You don't have to be snarky about it.

达蒙又达到了目的 一如既往 不管其间会伤害到谁 你没必要语带怒意
