《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第17集第9期:外面天气真恶劣(在线收听

Oh, good, someone's home.Uh, could I use your phone?

太好了 家里有人 能借用一下电话吗

My my car broke down a few miles up the road.This was the first house I saw.

我车坏了 在前面几英里 这是我看到的第一所房子

Well, lucky you.Yeah. Lucky me.It's no trouble, is it?

你真走运 是呀 挺走运的 不打搅您吧

Not the slightest.Great. Whew.Hey, man, I really appreciate it.It's rough out there.

一点也不 太好了 兄弟 太感谢了 外面天气真恶劣

Billy, show our visitor where the phone is in the kitchen.

比利 带这位客人到厨房去打电话

And get me something to drink.Yeah. Sure thing.

再给我拿点喝的 好的 没问题

Hey, Miss Gibbons, this guy wants to use your phone.

吉本斯小姐 这个家伙想用一下你的电话

Oh, sure, honey. It's right there.Thanks.What's happening?

没问题 亲爱的 就在那 多谢 怎么了

I'm really sorry. But you're gonna need to invite A friend of mine inside.

非常抱歉 但你得邀请 我的一个朋友进来

Oh, I'm sorry. He's not allowed in the house.

抱歉 他不受欢迎

I know that. But you gotta make an exception.

我知道 但你得破个例

Get her out of the house. Now!Miss Gibbons, tell me the truth.Are you married? No.

把她带出来 快点 吉本斯小姐 告诉我实话 你结婚了吗 没有

Parents, children, anyone else who lives on this property?

父母 孩子 还有谁住这吗

No. It's just me.No? Good.You were supposed to compel her.

没有 就我自己 没了 很好 你该只控制她意识就行了

It doesn't work that She was human.And I'm not! So, I don't care.

那样不管用 她是人 但我不是 所以我不在乎

Now, get out of here. Get rid of the body!

快离开这 处理掉尸体
