《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第18集第4期:更紧迫的问题(在线收听

They say she ODed.That's what I don't get. She was doing OK.

他们说她嗑药过量 所以我才不懂 她当时状态很好

Apparently not.How'd she end up buried in the woods?That's what I don't understand.

明显不是 她怎么可能被埋在树林里 我真搞不懂

By whomever was with her when she ODed.

她嗑药而死时 被身边的人埋了

Yeah, but you leave her there.You don't take the time to bury her.

但通常就会将尸体丢在那儿 不会花时间认真掩埋的

Maybe she saw something and Hell, man, I don't know.

也许她看到了什么不该看到的 然后 我也不清楚

The coroner's office has officially ruled Vicki Donovan's death a drug overdose.

验尸处已经正式裁定 薇姬·多诺万的死是因为吸毒过量

Her family has been notified.The truth will stay in this room,and we can put this behind us.

已经通知了她的家人 只有这间房里的人知道真相 我们就让它过去吧

Thank you, sheriff.And on to a more pressing issue.

谢谢你 警长 还有一个更紧迫的问题

John Gilbert has asked to say a few words.Welcome back, John. It's good to see you.Thank you, mayor.

请约翰·吉尔伯特来说几句 约翰 欢迎回来 很高兴见到你 谢谢你 镇长

Hello, everyone. It's wonderful to see you.I wish it were under better circumstances.

大家好 很高兴与大家见面 我也不希望是在这种情形下

As a founding family member,I find it's d duty to report some very distressing news.

作为创始家族的一员 我有责任告诉大家这个悲痛的消息

He's a Gilbert?Elena's uncle.His name's John, but I call him jackass.

他是吉尔伯特家的 埃琳娜的叔叔 他叫约翰 不过我叫他蠢货

A hospital blood bank in the neighboring county of Amherst has reported several breakins over the past two weeks.

附近艾摩斯特市的一家医院血库 报告过去两周遭数次闯入

7 hunters, 4 campers, and 2 state employees have been reported missing as well,

有7名猎人 4名露营者和2名公务员 被报失踪

All of this within a 75-mile radius of mystic falls.


OK. No need to get alarmed right at this moment.


Meaning he doesn't wanna cancel the founder's day kick-off party.


You think all of your problems are over,but I'm here to tell you nothing's been solved.

你们以为问题都解决了 但我来是告诉你们 一点儿没完
