NBC晚间新闻 拜登和桑德斯争夺选票(在线收听

Tonight the battle for the democratic nomination is cutting a path through the midwest. I don't think they're looking for a revolution. I think they're looking for results. Joe Biden is riding a wave of momentum and intensifying his attacks on president Trump's handling of the coronavirus. The president has just diminished any confidence anyone would have in the presidency. He shouldn't say another word. Two new polls have the former vice president now up double digits here in Michigan which Bernie Sanders won in 2016. Today Cory Booker endorsed Biden, adding to support from other former rivals including kamala Harris.

But Senator Sanders is fighting back focusing on the midwest after canceling weekend events in Mississippi. Joe voted for disastrous trade agreements which have been horrific for the midwest. I helped lead the effort against those terrible trade again. Both campaigns are still planning large events despite growing concerns coronavirus. Should candidates be holding large political rallies going forward? Well I'm looking to the CDC for advice on that and if they conclude that there shouldn't be big indoor rallies then we'll stop big indoor rallies. Biden will be sharing the stage here at a rally in Detroit with both senators Harris and Booker tonight, hoping for a crucial win tomorrow.

今晚,争取提名民主党候选人的斗争在中西部开始。我不认为他们在寻求一场革命。我认为他们想要的是结果。拜登正乘势而上,加大对特朗普总统处理冠状病毒的攻击力度。特朗普总统削弱了所有人对总统的信心。他不应该再说一句话。最新民调显示,这位前副总统在密歇根州的支持率上升了两位数。伯尼·桑德斯于2016年赢得了该州的选举。今天,科里·布克表示支持拜登,此前拜登还获得了包括卡玛拉·哈里斯在内的其他前竞争对手的支持。但是参议员桑德斯在取消了周末在密西西比州的活动后,重新把注意力集中在中西部地区。乔投票赞成对灾难性的贸易协定,这对中西部来说是可怕的。我又一次帮助领导反对那些可怕的交易。尽管越来越多的人担心冠状病毒,拜登和桑德斯仍在筹划大型活动。 候选人应该举行大型政治集会吗? 我正在向疾控中心寻求建议,如果他们认为不应该举行大型的室内集会,那么我们将停止大型的室内集会。拜登今晚将在底特律与参议员哈里斯和布克共同出席一个集会,希望明天能取得决定性的胜利。
