
Green loans dry up

Investment in green businesses drops, posing a challenge to President Obama's mission to creat more green-collar jobs .

He’s got the ambition.

“We’ll restore science to its rightful place and wield technology's wonders, we’ll harness the sun and the winds, and the soil. All this we can do. All this we will do.”

But the challenges are enormous. They begin here on Wall Street, where the financial shock waves are hitting main street and green businesses.

“You see, one is a little differences from the other.....”

Kevin McCleod installs solar panels and his business has grown dramatically in the past few years. But since the economy stumbled, he and his colleagues are taking a serious hit.

“I am really say, personally, about 30% of my businesses is off because of not being able to securing credit, the, that the jobs, and that hurts.” “Nobody can get dollars for financing if you don’t have the cash to pay for it, there is nowhere else to get the money to pay for solar energy.”

A big problem for business and for President Obama’s plan to create more green-collar jobs. “Constructing fuel-efficient cars and buildings, and developing the new energy technologies that will lead to even more jobs. ”

The financial benefits of solar power are huge. "Our bills are like 5 dollars and 41 cents, it’s truly a wonderful investment, and you know, it keeps us from using oil and fighting wars for oil. "

But starting at about $40,000, the panels come with a hefty price tag and customers are angry they can’t get loans.

“It’s pretty frustrating actually, you know that, sit there and know that, you know, I 'm, I'm phoning, you know, pretty good money and work hard and pay my bills, and you know that I can't get it. ” And for solar contractors, it’s been a dark time.

“Two out of ten can't get financing, you know, and financing also is affecting my business, cause my business is being financed, my, my bank shut me down.”

So all eyes are turning to President Obama. If he’s promising the industry that he’s, he wants to create the green-collar jobs, he needs to put the money out there and make it available to our industry and own homeowners”;

“I hope that whatever he does, you know, helps the rest of us out, you know, the working middle class, you know, everybody is trying, you know, to make ends meet.”

But with a deepening recession, concerns are running high on what used to be the sunny side of the street.

Juliana Silva, from CNNmoney.com.


1. wield v.行使,运用,支配:有效地行使、运用(如权力或影响

2. harness v. 开发, 治理; 控制

3. solar panel 太阳能电池板:一组相互连接的太阳电池

4. financing n.筹措资金, 理财, 筹集资金, 融资, 财务, 资金

5. solar energy/ power 太阳能

6. green-collar jobs 绿领职业(环保类职业/对环境不会造成很大危害的职业)

7. fuel-efficient 燃料利用率高的

8. financial benefits 财务效益;按现行市场价格和财税制度计算的效益。

9. truly adv. 确实是 真实地, 不假

10. hefty 强有力的 大幅度的

11. price tag n. 价格标签:附在货物上表明价格的标签

12. help out 帮助(某人) 帮助(某人)解决困难[做某事]

13. make ends meet 收支相抵 量入为出

14. the sunny side n.向阳的一面,光明面,乐观的一面
