
Are You Poisoning Your Pet?

The top "people foods" you should never feed your pet.

Everyone knows is chocolate is bad to your pets, but you may be surprised some of the other people foods that not only bad for your animals could also kill them. GMA now, the veterinarian Dr. Marty Becker joins us again for some of the worst human foods you can feed you pet rather. But first stop, we want to meet two friends of human society of New York.

This is Mea. What ‘s this little guys name?

A Tellay.

Tellay, both are production.

They are friends.

They are, so cute. Never seen too a little dog get, you know, get along so well. This guy understands fall 13 pennies?

Well, a lot of dogs have pike up /, strange things and again that, they tell not the pass pennies, anything like that. So that’s a medical emergency, the owner, you know, had abandoned this dog because of throw the penny through, they did a life surgery there and thus for adoption.

Make no sense to me. Dr. Becker.

You want to see your Mama?

Better pints. If you like to adopt these cuties, human society of New York. Thank you so much. OK. Let’s get to it. So chocolate, first thing first, it’s the first thing we think of foods that can potentially, you know, kill our pets.

Not all chocolates are created equal. First of all, the chocolates are bad. Why chocolates so mussles and //. // is like café, if you think like that. But for dogs if eat chocolate, it causes increased increase heart rate , increased respiration, seizures, even death. (really). Now for dog chocolate only takes one ounce for a ten pounds dogs to cause problems, milk chocolates 10 ounces for a 10-pound dog, white chocolate which is basically sugar and butter surely no problem at all.

Now lets move on. You mentioned on coffee. Coffee and caffeine are products, I don’t know if it cause the same harmony pets.

Even two or three coffee beans can cause problem to a pet, and again, we can light the coffee jell, you know in starbuck. Get old days and star heart raise stuff, but it’s not good for pets, and again you just got do never leave something like that down, do never leave they can get that because they like that kind of aroma speice flavor of coffee. So don’t have them down.

This is short mean, macadamia nut. I have no idea.

We have, you know, I go to Hawaii, bring them home, and certain recipes you have, here is the thing they do, they can cause dime and rear or weakness and seizures, but they cause a immix a rear like paralysis, just like the dogs can put its has found put injury. Really? It happens 12 hours after they eat the macadamia nuts, within 40 hours they’re walking stiff 72 hours they recovered. There’s acid been pets has been used people found them no longer walk, when they find, they can just, just macadamia nuts. So, don’t let them run around cords or something, just keep some place quiet if they happen to enjesosed.

Ok, we’ll keep it all quiet or bring it to Mom. OK, shocking, gum

Oh, guts.

Gum’s no good.

This is a big problem. Its polotica xylitol, and xylitol is something that’s a // lot of sugar with gums, other candies stuffs as well. Main gums. Just two little tiny pieces of this gum can cause a problem for every size of a dog. What it does cause a mass of lise seimi low blood sugar. So the pets can become weak, they becoming people may think that kind of drunk within several days the accident goes to livery failures. So this stuff don’t leave it in your purse and set down there, it will, you know, get the dog in the car, it can seek your purse. (all right.) don’t leave it in table. Keep that stuff just like it’s a poison.

I’ve heard about this before. I’ve never give my dog frozen grapes. Apparently, it’s a bad idea. So I’ve never got never did it. You know.

Well, a lot of people like it, because they like the texture of it. For one thing, you like to cool the stuff. We even don’t know what it causes the problem with this. We don’t know how many it takes to cause the problem, but what it does grapes and raisins cause kidney failure. Use it two to three days after turn gestion. And it is what common causes for annual poison petrol. What get it, you know, though some go grocery shopping, the grapes settle grape two to three days later their kidney failure. So again no foods are contain raisins either.

Avocados can harm your pet.

Avocados are big problem for birds and small animals rotons. What avocados cause accumulates the fluid around on the lungs, accumulation the fluid on the heart. And it’s actually, you know, inside is not just, it’s just leaves, it’s in the skin, it’s in the fruit self. And so that’s just tables of you have birds or small animals.

Birds and small animals, yeah, dogs, you’re saying OK?

It’s actually ok for dogs.

And cats, OK.
