
Chris Cuomo's Perfect Job

An award-winning psychologist designed a test to pinpoint the right job for you.

Stunned by this award winning inside college, just to answer all these question[s]. What make you think how well you know yourself or you supposed to do? What if you change some of the answers ? Change some of your appetites or instinct. Will that change what you’re supposed to be doing? Hmm, anyway I took the test. I tried to be honest about it. You know, look Sam, he’s basically perfect. But see what I’m supposed to be doing. Shoos for me?

Hey, everyone, the good news is gas prices are cropping…

GMA has given me the chance to talk to characters from all walks of life, often I’m side by side by people on the most intense occupations. Sometimes, I began to try my hand at some of amazing professions.

All of them are a far cry from dreams of my childhood which are granted impracticality. I like being a teacher, I always like the ideal of law, and I always like to eat.

That’s it. Maybe my first job pointed to my current paycheck position.

My first job was paper boy. Collection day was always tricky. People are not as quite available on collection days as they should.

So with all experiences I had, I figured this test wouldn’t tell me anything I didn’t really know about what might be right for me. In other words , I was a cynic.

I think that you can’t just bet at somebody would be good with what they do in life based on what their aptitudes are, the preferences. Often you wind up being good whatever you do because you become dedicated to it. I had never thought that I’d be good at what I’m doing now. Maybe I’m not.

Still I sat down and answered all nine million questions with an open mind.

Fix ? , I like that.

? cars , I like that.

Pair cars , I like that.

? You be a racer.

Walking research office laboratory operate office machine. Who likes that?

Finally I made through all the sections, subsections, and subsubsections.

Is it mandatory that your feelings are attitude toward many kind of work like you’re automated ? machine(what’s that?) quick on yes put those activities you do well. I would love the ?answers.

Ok, done

Actually, I thought I fit more than three of the six personality categories the test identified, but if I had to pick three, realistic, investigative, enterprising.

Turns out that I got two in three right. The test said I was social, enterprising and realistic. Then the ultimate career would reveal. First up, driving instructor. Very good at that, driving and instructing. And how about a, me as a master hair stylist. I like that. How am I doing by the way?

Time to cook with chef chromo, executive chef. Nice , now we’re talking, on TV ?

The first three were worlds away from my chosen path. But the fourth was at least evovable---lawman. I like to be police office, those guys are some of the bravest men and women I know.

So it seems I might be trying something new and very different. That’s what makes every GMA day an adventure.

You do have to pay to take the test by the way, but could be worth it, teach you something about yourself.

What’s it? Nine dollars, fast ten dollars? Yeah we have to pay for the test as well. Yeah. Chef ha? I can see can. I would like that, I love those TV cooking shows. I like to watch, I don’t know about working in a restaurant, very hard, very stressful. Suppose if it’s a job which is just peach.

I got coach, definitely, ‘cause you always take … don’t know if I’m brave enough to do it for they leave house every day put what they do in a line. But good job!

Well, it’s interesting to see the spectrum of things that you can do happily given your personality ‘coz sometimes we think you know, we don’t think. That also suits the things I love.

Who could not cross the street the wrong way if you look at this right now?
