美联社新闻一分钟 AP 拜登:拨14亿美元加强新冠检测(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


Texas residents are getting angry as they deal with a failing power grid and a brutal winter freeze. Nearly 1.9 million residents were still without power Wednesday morning and it's unclear when they'll get it back.


More than 100,000 homes and businesses in and around Portland, Oregon have been without power for almost a week. A massive snow and ice storm knocked down hundreds of miles of power lines in the area.


The Biden Administration says it will spend more than $1.4 billion to boost coronavirus testing supplies and coordination. It's part of the plan to get more students back to school.


Italy's Mount Etna has left neighbors with a big cleanup job. The volcano blasted out lava, ash and stones on Tuesday, some of it littering nearby villages.

