美联社新闻一分钟 AP 美国议员逃离得州度假遭批(在线收听

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As Texas remains in the grip of an unprecedented freeze, US Senator Ted Cruz was seen at the airport in Cancun after reportedly purchasing a ticket home Thursday. Cruz said he had traveled to Mexico for a family vacation, leaving his home state as thousands of constituents struggled without power or safe drinking water.


House lawmakers grilled the CEO of online trading platform Robinhood as they examine the recent wild swings in the price of GameStop stock. Keith Gill, a GameStop enthusiast known online as Roaring Kitty also testified. The company shares soared 1,600% in January thanks in part platforms like Robinhood.

众议院议员在调查GameStop股价最近的大幅波动时,盘问了在线交易平台Robinhood的首席执行官。GameStop爱好者基斯·吉尔(Keith Gill)也出庭作证,他在网上被称为“咆哮的凯蒂猫”(Roaring Kitty)。得益于Robinhood等平台,该公司股价在1月份飙升了1600%。

Democrats unveiled a major immigration overhaul that would offer an eight-year pathway to citizenship for an estimated 11 million people living in the U.S. without legal status. The legislation reflects the immigration reform priorities that President Joe Biden laid out on his first day in office.

民主党公布了一项重大的移民改革方案,将为美国境内大约1100万没有合法身份的人提供一项为期8年的入籍途径。这项立法反映了乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统上任第一天提出的移民改革重点。

And a NASA rover has landed on Mars in a quest to bring back rocks that could answer the question whether life ever existed on the red planet.

