英语新闻听写 超市是如何保持商品低价的?(在线收听

Ever wondered how Trader Joe keeps it's cheap prices?

想知道“Trader Joe”是如何保持低价的吗?

Well, according Business Insider, "Selling products under a private label is one way that Trader Joe's is able to cut costs and pass along savings to the shopper.

据“Business Insider”报道,销售自有品牌下的产品是“Trader Joe”能够削减成本并让顾客省钱的一种方式。

Here are some other ways that Trader Joe's keeps its prices so low."

“Trader Joe”还采用了其他降低价格的方法。

That's why 80% of Trader Joe's products are made under their private label.

这就是为什么80%的“Trader Joe”产品都是在他们自有品牌下生产的。

This means that are buying goods directly from the supplier, which cuts out the middlemen in the supply chain which usually raises product prices.

