《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第19集第8期:最好的朋友(在线收听

I'm not playing anymore.Get out.Get out.I beg your pardon?

老子不玩了 出去 出去 你说什么

You know, I only entertain this whole blackmail scheme thing of yours Because I thought that you and Isobel could lead me to Katherine.

要知道 我之所以接受你的敲诈和摆布 是因为我以为你和伊泽贝尔 可以帮我找到凯瑟琳

But see, now I know you have no idea where Katherine is,Because if you did, you would know That Katherine and Pearl were best friends.

可我发现 你根本不知道凯瑟琳身在何处 因为如果你知道 你就该清楚 珍珠和凯瑟琳 曾是最好的朋友

See, you don't know everything,Do you, John?

看来 你并不知道所有的事情 不是吗 约翰

I'll tell the entire council what you are.


Go for it. I'll kill every last one of them.

去吧 我会把他们全都干掉

Then I'll sever your hand, pull your ring off,And I'll kill you, too.

然后再扭断你的手 取下戒指 再杀掉你

Do you understand that?


Honor your partner.Let's focus. Right hand around.

请向舞伴行礼 集中精神 伸出右手

Flirt with your eyes.Left hand around.

用眼神来传递情意 伸出左手

This is ridiculous.Both hands.You're only saying that Because you don't know how to do it.

太可笑了 两只手 你觉得可笑是因为 你不知道要怎么跳

Sorry only one of us was around when the dance was invented.Oh, no, no, no, no.

真遗憾 当年此舞蹈问世时 我尚未出生 停 停 停

There's no touching during this part.


It's about the simple intimacy of the near-touch.


Very nice, Amber.Thank you, Mrs. Lockwood!

很好 安波尔 多谢 洛克伍德夫人

If you ask me, the near touch is overrated.

要我看 似触非触可没那么美好

You seem to be in a good mood.Is that a bad thing?

你今天心情不错嘛 这不好吗

Would you prefer me to be brooding and tortured?


Hey, I'm not complaining.Oh, no touching.

我可没抱怨 不准接触
