《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第20集第17期:家庭聚会(在线收听

You've transitioned.You'd have rather found me dead?

你完成转化了 你更愿意我死掉吗

Katherine saved my life once. I owed her.

凯瑟琳救过我 我欠她情

That doesn't mean I'd wish her curse on anyone


It feels more like a gift.That will change.Why is that?

我觉得更像是赠礼 你的想法会变的 为什么

Because even in death,your heart is pure, Stefan.

因为即便已经死去 你仍然有一颗纯洁的心 斯特凡

I sense that about you.That will be your curse.Emily, wait.

我能感觉得到 那就是对你的诅咒 艾米莉 等等

Stefan.Damon told me the rest of the story.

斯特凡 达蒙把余下的事情告诉我了

I thought I might find you here.


I should have died that night,just like I had chosen.

我那晚就应该死的 如我原本选择的那样

I should have let Damon die, too.


But you didn't. And if you die now,It's not gonna change what happened.

但你没有 就算你现在死了 也挽回不了过去

Every single person that's been hurt.


Every single life that's been lost,it's because of me.

每一条逝去的生命 都是我一手造成

The night that my parents died.


I blew off family night so that I could go off to some party.

我为了参加别的派对 取消了家庭聚会

I ended up getting stranded,and they had to come pick me up.

结果我被困住了 他们只得来接我

That's why we ended up in the car at Wickery Bridge.


And that's why they died.

