《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第7期:必须负起责任(在线收听

I want to know exactly who's responsible for killing my husband.


I'm looking into it.You have to be straight with me.

我正在调查 你必须对我实话实说

Is there any reason Richard was affected by the vampire device?


What are you implying? That he was one of them?!

你想说什么 你觉得他也是吸血鬼吗

No, no, no one's implying that.Your deputy screwed up, plain and simple.

不 不 没人这么说 是你的人搞砸的 显而易见

Which makes you responsible.Carol Your husband is the one who helped Jonh Gilbert execute his idiot plan in the first place!Liz

你必须负起责任 卡罗 是你的丈夫先 协助约翰·吉尔伯特实施那个蠢计划的 莉兹

Someone got my husband killed.We're all on edge here.

有人得为我丈夫的死负责 这儿所有人都很不安

You suffered a great loss.The whole town has.

你饱受丧夫之痛 整个镇子都为之难过

We have to stick together.Ok, trust each other.We'll get through this.

我们必须互相支持 信任对方 一起共度难关

So the black sheep returns.Tyler?Yeah.

败家子归来啦 是泰勒吗 是

What happened to you?In my mind, you're 12 years old.

你这是怎么了 在我印象里 你不过12岁

Well, that's 2 years older than the last time you saw me, uncle Mason.

梅森叔叔 现在只不过 比你上次见我又长了两岁而已

Good to see you again.It's good to see you, too.Come inside.

再次见到你太好了 我也很开心见到你 进去吧
