《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第1集第12期:不知道规则(在线收听

Hey, guys.Hey, Matt.I, uh, I heard that Caroline was doing much better.

你们好 马特 我听说卡罗琳好多了

Her recovery was practically miraculous.You must be so relieved.I am.Thanks, Elena.

她的恢复堪称奇迹 你一定放心多了 是的 谢谢 埃琳娜

His eyes are so blue.You need to leave now.

他的眼睛好蓝 你必须得走了

You're hurting my feelings, Stefan.Damon was much happier to see me.

你让我真难过 斯特凡 达蒙看到我可开心多了

Then again, he thought I was your girlfriend.

还有 他认为我是你的女友

So. Katherine, I'm not doing this with you.

凯瑟琳 我是不会这样的

Ok, how about we don't have a couple's fight in front of all your friends.

好吧 我们是不是不应该 当着你所有朋友的面吵架

Walk with me?Just tell me what you're doing here.

跟我走走 告诉我你来这里干什么

Maybe I missed you.Is that an acceptable reason?What game are you playing?

也许是我想你了 这理由能接受吗 你到底在搞什么鬼

Why, you want to play with me? I don't know.How can I play if I don't know the rules?

问这个干嘛 你想一起吗 我不知道 我不知道规则怎么跟你一起

No rules, Stefan.Don't you remember?No rules.

没有规则 斯特凡 你不记得了吗 没有规则

Looks like the whole town has turned out.


Yeah, well, he is He was the mayor.

是啊 他可是 他曾是镇长啊

Why don't they save it for the funeral?It's what people do.

为什么不等到葬礼的时候再来 人们都这么做

The Lockwoods were here for us when we went through this.


It'll be quick.We'll drop off the food and pay our respects and go.

很快就好 我们放下食物 表达哀悼 然后就走了

In and out? Sounds like a plan.You guys go ahead.I'll, um, I'll be right there, ok?

一进一出 听着像是策划好的 你们先走 我随后就到 好吗
