2021年CRI 习近平总书记庄严宣告我国脱贫攻坚战取得全面胜利(在线收听

Chinese President Xi Jinping has declared a "complete victory" in the country's fight against poverty.

"Over the past eight years, the final 99 million impoverished rural residents living under the current poverty line have all been lifted out of poverty. All 832 impoverished counties and 128-thousand impoverished villages have been removed from the poverty list."

The Chinese President says the country has created a "China example" of poverty reduction and made great contributions to global poverty alleviation.

China has met the poverty eradication target set in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule.

President Xi also presented medals, certificates and plaques to role models in China's poverty alleviation effort at a gathering in Beijing on Thursday.

The average annual sales revenue of businesses in China's impoverished counties posted double-digit growth in the last five years.

Impoverished counties in northeast China enjoyed the highest annual growth rates over the past two years, coming in at over 13 percent in 2019 and nearly 30 percent last year.

Customs data shows that China's overall tax rate on imported goods hit an all-time low during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, a result of the country's move to reduce value-added tax and tariffs.

In the last five years, the rate dropped from nearly 22 percent to less than 16 percent, marking a decline of over 27 percent.

Meanwhile, the total amount of customs duties and taxes on imported goods saw an 8.7-percent growth to 9 trillion yuan, roughly 1.4 trillion U.S. dollars, indicating an substantial increase in imports.

China saw 256 million domestic tourist trips during the weeklong Spring Festival holiday that ended on Feb. 17, up nearly 16 percent year on year.

The figure has recovered to 75 percent of pre-pandemic levels.

The total domestic tourism revenue exceeded 300 billion yuan, roughly 47 billion U.S. dollars, up 8.2 percent from a year earlier and equal to 59 percent of pre-COVID-19 levels.

India and Pakistan have jointly announced cease-fire along their disputed border in Kashmir starting Thursday.

They also agreed to utilize existing mechanisms including a hotline to resolve tensions and misunderstandings.

The two sides both lay claim to the mountainous region but control only parts of it.

Clashes and cross-border shelling along the Line of Control in recent months reportedly killed multiple civilians.

Australia has passed a world-first law forcing Google and Facebook to pay for news content used on their platforms.

Under the news code, the government will intervene if commercial negotiations between the tech giants and local news outlets fail.

The legislation had been fiercely opposed by the two U.S. firms.

Last week Facebook blocked all news content to Australians over the row, but reversed its decision this week after negotiations with the government.

The code passed on Thursday includes amendments which make it possible for Facebook and Google not to be subject to the code.

The Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee says they could suspend the upcoming torch relay should big gatherings raise coronavirus infection risks.

The toned-down torch relay, which will begin on March 25 and travel through Japan, will be broadcast live to avoid gatherings on streets.

For torch relay ceremonies, eating and drinking are banned, but drinking water will be allowed to avoid the risk of heatstroke.

Lleyton Hewitt has been inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame class of 2021.

The Australian won Grand Slam singles titles at the US Open in 2001 and Wimbledon in 2002, becoming the youngest ever player to be ranked No. 1 in the ATP rankings.



























