美联社新闻一分钟 AP 紧急状态下日本迎最早樱花季(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


Attackers on Tuesday gunned down three women working to administer the polio vaccine in eastern Afghanistan, officials said. The two separate attacks in Jalalabad came a day after authorities launched a new campaign against the crippling children's disease.


French president Emmanuel Macron met with Iraqi Kurdistan President Nechirvan Barzani in Paris on Tuesday. The two leaders were expecting to have a working lunch, though specific items on their agenda were not disclosed.


And people flocked to admire cherry blossoms in full bloom along Tokyo's Meguro river on Tuesday as a state of emergency lifted last week. Japan's famous cherry blossoms have reached their flowery peak earlier this year than at any time since formal records started being kept nearly 70 years ago.

