西部落:The View 议论 Rihanna 事件(下)(在线收听

The View ladies talking about Rihanna

Rihanna was hit by her boyfriend Chris Brown, The View ladies are talking about it.

Because when you look at it, when you look at it as it is which is what you said the other day, it’s very easy for someone in an abuse relationship to go back. But I loved him, but I trusted him and nobody says she has to be a role model.

Okay, I’m just gonna say this one more time(we don't know) that we don't know(That's right.) the circumstances under which Rihanna was hit. (They are being investigated)

They are being... Yes and so before we say, before we sort of keep making it sound like she's gone back to her abuser, I’d like to say that (We know he did something )we don't know, we don't know what he did. We don't know what happened.

I know that we don't know. I just think that there're at least a lot of young girls out here who are assuming, and I feel like, you know, there are a lot of young girls out who feel like I can go back because I can change if I love him enough. And we don't know what happened, but I think a lot of young people are assuming and then looking at this, and this is a very important issue for...

(... back ... a huge confidence.)

Yes, but, it goes back to that, but it also goes back to, sometimes you can't just jump to conclusions.

But we saw her face.

I know we saw, you know what, another girl could have done that. We don't know the circumstances as all I am saying and before I wanna...( Why did he need management, ok?)well, maybe he is an angry guy, I mean ,that doesn't mean, you know, because he yells and gets in her face, I don't know that he hit her.(And he is ...That's fair.)

So I'm not gonna assume, you know, that he did it because God knows pictures all of us have been places and we think, wait a minute, that’s not what he does, that’s what that is.

And I'm glad he is in anger management class cuz this is a boy. He is 19 years old. he just said a few years ago that he thought he would be in prison because he watched his step father abuse his mother, so he just came not even a couple of years ago, came out of home where he saw abuse all the time and then he became a superstar. So actually I 'm glad he's in anger management class.

I'm just saying when you do the math, see the photo, he is in anger management, makes an apology, you kind of start, it just ain't easy. Right, it doesn’t. But it’s easy as assumption…

Let us hope that something good comes out of this, coz we've been talking about it the other day...
