《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第2集第12期:校园狂欢节(在线收听

Uh, hey, nice shot, killer.Uh, they must have already been broken.

射得好 杀手 瓶子之前肯定已经破了

Oh, no.What's wrong?I gotta go.

不 不要 怎么了 我要走了

No, Care, wait. Come here.Are you ok? I mean, do you need to go back to the,Just leave me alone.

不 卡尔 等等 过来 你还好吗 要不要回去 让我一个人静静

How did this happen? Hmm?Well, I fed her blood,And Katherine obviously killed her,And "A" Plus "B" Equals.

怎么会这样 我喂她喝了我的血 显然之后凯瑟琳杀了她 所以A加B就等于

But why?Because Katherine is a manipulative, nasty little slut.

但她为什么要这么做 因为凯瑟琳是个喜欢操纵别人的可耻小贱人

And she said, "Game on"?I mean, what does that even mean?

她说游戏开始了 那究竟是什么意思

It means she's playing dirty.She wants us to know.

那意味着她开始耍诡计 她要我们知道这点

But why Caroline?Ah, I don't know.Caroline must be completely out of her mind.She has no idea what's happening to her.

但为什么她选择卡罗琳下手 不知道 卡罗琳现在肯定要抓狂了 她完全搞不清发生了什么

Oh, I think she does.All of my compulsion from the past started wearing off the minute she was in transition.

我可不这么想 之前被我删除掉的那些记忆 随着她的转化而渐渐恢复

We have to find her.Yep, and kill her.

我们得找到她 对 然后干掉她

You're not gonna kill Caroline.She knows who we are.She's officially a liability.We gotta get rid of her.

你不能杀了卡罗琳 她知道我们的身份 她绝对是个威胁 我们必须干掉她

Damon, absolutely not.Need I remind you of a tragic little story of a girl named Vicki Donovan?

达蒙 绝对不行 需要我提醒你们 那个叫薇姬·多诺万的女孩 身上发生的悲剧吗

Yeah. Caroline, of all people, will not make it as a vampire.Her mother's a vampire hunter.

大家不会让卡罗琳变成吸血鬼的 她母亲是个吸血鬼猎人

Guys, come on. We all know how this story ends,so let's just flip to the last chapter and It's not an option, Damon.

拜托 我们都知道她会有什么下场 所以 我们就直接跳到结局 然后 这不是个好主意 达蒙

No?Your silence is deafening,Stefan.Wait. Wasn't there a school carnival the night you staked Vicki?

不是吗 你的沉默就是最好的证明 斯特凡 等等 你不就是在去年校园狂欢节 那晚杀了薇姬吗

Talk about a town where history repeats itself.You know I'm right.We're not gonna kill her.It's the only way.

历史又要在这个小镇上重演了 你知道我是对的 我们不会杀了她的 这是唯一的办法
