《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第2集第14期:闻到血腥味(在线收听

You didn't see anything.I saw your eyes.They glowed.

你什么都没看见 我看见你的眼睛 在发光

Reflection of a car headlight, maybe. That's all.

可能是车前灯的反光 就是这样

Reflection of a car headlight.Yes.You really expect me to believe that?Tyler! Hey, you wanna know what you saw?

是车灯搞的鬼 没错 你真觉得我会相信吗 泰勒 你想知道你看见什么了吗

You saw me get pissed off that I had to pull your delinquent ass out of a fight.

我告诉你 你惹了事 我还得帮你拉架 我超级不爽

Where could she be?What is it? Do you hear her?

她会去哪儿 怎么了 你听到她的声音了吗

What's going on, Stefan? What is it?It's blood.I can smell blood.

出什么事了 斯特凡 怎么了 有血 我闻到血腥味了

He's dead.I killed him.What's wrong with me?

他死了 我杀了他 我这是怎么了

Hey. Hey, it's OK.I can help you.You can?Yeah. I have to.

没事的 我可以帮你 真的吗 当然 这是我该做的

What are you going to do?The only thing I can do.I'm gonna kill you.

你会怎么帮我 做我唯一能做的 杀了你

Please don't. I don't want to die.Yeah, but you're already dead.

拜托 不要 我不想死 我知道 但你已经死了

No, I'm not.Don't say that.OK? Just help me.OK OK? just OK.Help me, please.OK, OK, OK.Please. Please.

不 我没死 别这么说 快帮帮我 好 好吗 快...好 帮我 求你了 好的 好的 拜托 求求你
