《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第2集第16期:战胜冲动(在线收听

See it? You see that?Yeah? When you feel the blood rush in,you tell yourself that you're gonna get through it,that you're strong enough.

你看到了吗 一样吧 当你想吸血的时候 就告诉自己你能打败这种冲动 告诉自己你足够坚强

Yes. Yes. No matter how good it feels to give yourself over to it,You fight it off. You bury it.

是的 是的 不管吸血有多痛快 你必须战胜这种冲动 把它深埋心底

Watch me. Watch me.That's the only way you're gonna survive this thing.Try it. Shh. Try it.There you go.That's good.

看着我 看着我 只有这样你才能挺过转化期 平静下来 试试看 就是这样 非常好

Why did Katherine do this to me?I don't know.I wish I did.

为什么凯瑟琳要转化我 我不知道 我希望我知道

Hey. Hey.I promise you I will not let anything happen to you.Come here. Come here.

听着 听着 我向你保证 我不会让你出任何事情 过来 没事的

I can't believe this is happening.Come on. Don't pout about it.We got a body to bury.

我真不敢相信 怎么会这样 拜托 别撅嘴了 我们还得把他给埋了

Thought you were callin' the shots.No?Sucks to be you, buddy.

最初是你让我喂卡罗琳血的 不是吗 你真倒霉啊 伙计

I told you what would happen if anyone else got hurt.I didn't do this!

你知道如果有人受到伤害 我会怎么做 不是我干的

Bonnie, it wasn't his fault.Everything that happens is his fault, Elena.

邦妮 这不是他的错 万恶均源于此人 埃琳娜

Bonnie, what are you doing?Bonnie, stop it.Bonnie, Bonnie, stop it.

邦妮 你在做什么 邦妮 别这样 邦妮 邦妮 停下来

Bonnie, stop it! You're gonna kill him!

邦妮 停下 他会死的
