《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第3集第4期:好好照顾她(在线收听

Do what you need to do, OK?

做你该做的 好吗

Hey, you OK?Yeah. Just men and their baggage.

你没事吧 没事 就是男人和他们的责任啥的

Sorry you can't come too, Stef.Call me if you need anything.

真遗憾 斯特凡 你不能一起来了 有事就给我打电话

Oh, I'll take really good care of her.OK. Time to go.

放心 我会好好照顾她的 好啦 该走啦

Have you ever been down to those old ruins in the woods?


The old Lockwood estate?Yeah. What do you know about it?

洛克伍德家族的老遗产吗 是的 你了解多少

It was the original plantation house.


Beautiful antebellum architecture.And if it hadn't burnt to the ground,We'd probably be living in it.

南北战争前那种风格的漂亮建筑 要是没被烧毁的话 我们很可能现在还住那

What's the deal with the freaky underground cellar?


We don't talk about those kind of rooms.


Why not?Well, this is the south, honey.

为什么不 这是南方 亲爱的

But no one likes to reminisce about the old slave days.


What are you guys talking about?


We were just talking about the old Lockwood property.


Thinking about having some friends over to the swim hole.


Well, be careful. If anything happens on the property,the family is liable.

小心点 要是损坏了那些遗产 就是我们家的责任了

Of course.I don't know how to make a daywalking ring.

放心吧 我不知道如何做一个"行走于白天"的戒指

Emily made mine. She made Damon's, too.Instructions must be in the grimoire.

我的是艾米莉做的 达蒙的也是 魔咒书里面一定有说明

Doesn't mean I can cast a spell.Bonnie.

这不等于我就可以施咒 邦妮
